Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Love Quotes for Him That Melt the Heart

Love Quotes for Him That Melt the Heart If you have found your  true love, cherish him with your heart and soul. True love is a rare jewel. You are lucky to find one.  He makes your heart dance with joy. He mesmerizes you with his eyes. With him, time melts into nothingness. His touch makes you feel loved; his words soothe your heart. You think about him day and night. His words echo in your head, and you cant help smiling to yourself. You are in love. Wouldnt it be great if you could find a great bunch of love quotes for him that would speak the language of your heart? Have You Met Mr. Right? The first phase of courtship usually lasts a few weeks, perhaps a few months. After dating him for a while, you will know whether he is right for you. You miss him when he is not around. You find yourself keen to be with him again. If you feel a strong attraction towards this special person, you have met Mr. Right. Dont Over Analyze Him Do not waste time in self-doubt and confusion.  I have seen many relationships fail because of too much analysis. Do not overanalyze your relationship using logic or checklists. Let your heart take the lead. While it is natural for lovers to whisper sweet nothings, it is also likely that you have had a few arguments. If you have quarreled about petty matters, do not think that your love has reached a dead-end. You will find that when you make up after a fight, you love each other even more. Erich FrommImmature love says: I love you because I need you. Mature love says: I need you because I love you.Dave BarryWhat women want: To be loved, to be listened to, to be desired, to be respected, to be needed, to be trusted, and sometimes, just to be held. What men want: Tickets for the world series.John KeatsI love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.Ralph Waldo EmersonA man is a little thing while he works by and for himself; but when he gives voice to the rules of love and justice, he is godlike.Barbara De AngelisYou never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.Germaine De StaelLove is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.H. Jackson BrownLove is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.Helen KellerThe best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.Elizab eth BrowningWhat I do and what I dream include thee, as the wine must taste of its own grapes. Roy CroftI love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you.Ralph Waldo EmersonThe only true gift is a portion of yourself.John DonneCome live with me, and be my love, and we will some new pleasures prove, of golden sands, and crystal brooks, with silken lines and silver hooks.Vita Sackville-WestI miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal.Amy LowellWhen you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness. How Do You Know He Is the Man for You? The man you love may not be a handsome prince who sweeps you off your feet. Your love should be your  friend  and confidante. You may not have a whirlwind romance with him, but if he makes you feel secure, he is the man for you.Your lover needs to know how much he means to you. Dont hesitate to say, I love him. Grab the opportunity to express your deepest feelings. Here are some  love quotes  for him. Win over your sweetheart with these love quotes for him. Keep Your Sense of Humor Alive and Kicking Often, you may worry that he doesnt any longer sweep you off your feet. It may seem like the passion is gone. But dont rue that fact, otherwise, you will be condemned to move from one failed relationship to another. Instead, focus on rekindling the relationship. Even if the embers have cooled down, they can be rekindled. Each couple is unique, so I hesitate to dish out relationship advice. But one issue that constantly worries me is that some women regard relationship maintenance to be a mans job - almost exclusively. And that might be the root cause of a lot of relationship problems. Get into the drivers seat, at least once in a while, and everything will be fine again.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Manejar en EEUU auto con placas de México

Manejar en EEUU auto con placas de Mà ©xico Es obvio que en la zona fronteriza los turistas mexicanos pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos manejando sus autos con placas mexicanas. Adems,  nada impide que el viaje se extienda mucho ms all de la frontera y alcance cualquiera de los 48 estados continentales contiguos del paà ­s. Es decir, se excluye Alaska y Hawaii. Para manejar sin problemas en Estados Unidos con un auto con placas de Mà ©xico este artà ­culo explica cules son los requisitos que se deben cumplir, con informacià ³n detallada sobre el seguro del auto. Adems, se  detalla quà © acciones se deben evitar y, finalmente, informacià ³n general pero relevante sobre cruce de frontera y procedimientos migratorios y de aduanas que deben ser tenidos en cuenta. Requerimientos para manejar un auto con placas mexicanas en EE.UU. Todos los dà ­as miles de autos mexicanos cruzan la frontera por los puentes internacionales. Generalmente, limitan sus viajes a unas pocas millas dentro del territorio estadounidense y se regresan inmediatamente pero nada impide estancias ms largas y alejadas de la zona fronteriza. Para no tener problemas, hay que tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos: En primer lugar, el chà ³fer mexicano debe tener una licencia de manejar de su paà ­s vlida. Adems, si va a adentrarse a estados no fronterizos serà ­a conveniente que antes de salir de Mà ©xico adquiriese una licencia internacional de manejar, que es una traduccià ³n a varios idiomas, incluido el inglà ©s, de su licencia. En segundo lugar, el automà ³vil debe tener placas y registracià ³n vlidas.   En tercer lugar, tener en cuenta que en las aduanas y fronteras de los Estados Unidos, los  autos viejos  pueden ser rechazados para ingresar  por incumplir con los requerimientos medioambientales. Por lo tanto, verificar que se est al dà ­a en el cumplimiento de estos requisitos, principalmente cuando se trata de un auto viejo. En cuarto lugar, un auto mexicano puede estar en manos de un turista hasta un mximo de un aà ±o. Pero,  si se va a estar ms de 30 dà ­as en el mismo estado, comprobar con el Department of Motor Vehicles del estado en el que se encuentre sobre si hay algà ºn requerimiento adicional que cumplir. Destacar que aunque el auto puede estar legalmente en EE.UU., en teorà ­a, hasta un aà ±o, eso no quiere decir que el turista que lo maneja o todos los que viajan en su interior puedan estar legalmente en Estados Unidos por todo ese tiempo. Hay que mirar las condiciones de la visa americana con la que se ingresa al paà ­s. Si se tiene una lser, el tiempo que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos y los lugares a los que se puede viajar son ms restringidos que si se ingresa con una visa de turista. Si se tiene una de estas visas, verificar en el I-94 cunto tiempo es posible permanecer legalmente en EE.UU. Generalmente la estancia se permite por 180 dà ­as, pero puede ser por menos tiempo. Adems, si se quiere prolongar la estancia es posible solicitar una extensià ³n de la visa de turista. Seguro de auto mexicano en carreteras de EE.UU. Quiz el requisito fundamental es contar con una pà ³liza de seguro de auto que dà © cobertura, como mà ­nimo, para lesiones de ocupantes y daà ±os a terceros en sus personas y/o bienes. Y hay que obtener una certificacià ³n de esa pà ³liza en inglà ©s. En muchas ocasiones, este seguro mexicano no cubre eventualidades que puedan ocurrir manejando el auto en Estados Unidos. En este caso, hay que contratar uno que sà ­ brinde esta cobertura. Adems, es importante incluir en esa pà ³liza a todos los posible conductores que vayan a manejar el auto en Estados Unidos, si es que va a hacerlo ms de un ocupante del automà ³vil. Estos seguros se pueden contratar por un sà ³lo dà ­a, por meses o hasta un aà ±o. Es muy importante tener en cuenta que si se planea viajar por varios estados, la cobertura mà ­nima puede variar. Asegurarse de cumplir con las leyes estatales que se pueden consultar en el Departamento de Vehà ­culos a Motor de cada estado (liability, en inglà ©s). Varias aseguradoras mexicanas ofrecen este tipo de pà ³liza. Tambià ©n es posible contratarla cerca de la frontera, del lado mexicano.  Si la policà ­a para al auto, sin duda van a pedir que se enseà ±e esta certificacià ³n. Si se tiene alguna inquietud,  marcar al telà ©fono de la CIAM. Se puede llamar desde Estados Unidos y tambià ©n desde Mà ©xico.  Resuelven dudas de diverso tipo, incluidas las que afectan a seguros de auto  y son muy competentes en sus respuestas. Cà ³mo evitar problemas manejando en EE.UU. un auto con placas mexicanas El asunto del manejo en Estados Unidos de automà ³viles con placas extranjeras est regulado por ley federal y por las leyes estatales. La federal es el tratado de 1949 conocido como Inter-American Convenction Road Traffic. Si la policà ­a para el automà ³vil y uno de los ocupantes resulta ser un inmigrante indocumentado, es posible que el auto acabe embargado por la Policà ­a de Fronteras (ICE, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que acabe siendo subastado. Es decir, que el dueà ±o se quede sin su auto. En los casos de multas por una infraccià ³n de trnsito, es conveniente pagarla. En la actualidad, las computadoras en los controles migratorios de Estados Unidos estn conectados a una base de datos que se llama TECS que contiene, entre otras, informacià ³n que proveen los Departamentos de Vehà ­culos de los diferentes estados y estn notificando multas de trfico, aunque no es asà ­ en todos los casos. Finalmente, los  ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales con licencias de manejar de los Estados Unidos (que es la que tienen que tener) no pueden manejar en el paà ­s un automà ³vil con placas mexicanas. Est prohibido, del mismo modo que los mexicanos residentes en Mà ©xico  no pueden por ley manejar en su paà ­s un auto con placas de los Estados Unidos. Tips à ºtiles para turistas mexicanos en Estados Unidos   Para evitar problemas muy serios como quedarse en situacià ³n de ilegalidad, cancelacià ³n o revocacià ³n de visas o que en el control migratorio simplemente impidan el ingreso al paà ­s, es necesario tener en cuenta asunto como con  Ã‚  cunta frecuencia se puede ingresar como turista a Estados Unidos  y tener muy claro quà ©Ã‚  pasa si se queda en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido. Tambià ©n es interesante  saber  cunto dinero se puede  ingresar legalmente a Estados Unidos  y, si trae mascota, asegurarse de que goce de buen estado de salud y de que tenga todos los documentos en regla. Lo que se pide va a depender del lugar de procedencia y  del tipo de mascota.   A la hora de cruzar la frontera terrestre entre Mà ©xico y Estados Unidos es posible acelerar el paso por el control migratorio si se forma parte del programa  SENTRI. En los dems casos, conviene evitar los dà ­as y horas de mucho trfico, cuando los retrasos pueden ser enormes en los puentes internacionales.   Finalmente, se recomienda tomar este  test o quiz  sobre la visa de turista  para asegurarte de que tienes los conocimientos que debes saber para sacarla y conservarla.   Este artà ­culo no es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso especà ­fico. Es sà ³lo informacià ³n de carcter general.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Award Thank you letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Award Thank you letter - Essay Example The scholarship has therefore revived my hopes of undertaking my course, establishing a stable and prominent career with a ‘well-established’ company besides being an entrepreneur. Because of the scholarship, I will be able to concentrate my studies instead of worrying about finances. The scholarship has therefore been a milestone in career dreams. I therefore thank the committee and the entire institution for offering me a chance to pursue my career goals. I pledge my total commitment to my studies and the organization’s interest in me. I will abide by the stipulated terms of the scholarship to avoid conflict of interest. This opportunity has also challenged and convinced me to be an instrumental member of the society through social responsibility. I have therefore purposed to contribute to future scholarship programs, through funding or service delivery. I thank you again for your generosity and support in my pursuit of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Culture and Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Culture and Organisation - Essay Example The company is involved in a range of services, including consumer banking, credit cards, investment banking, mortgage loans, corporate banking, wealth management and private banking. The bank refers both Hong Kong and United Kingdom as its ancestral markets. The company has more than 7500 offices across 85 counties. The branches and subsidiaries are spread across Asia, Africa, North America, Europe and South America (HSBC, 2014d). The company operates across four business categories: commercial banking; global banking and markets; wealth management and retail banking; and overseas private banking. HSBC’s internal environment is based on values such as, integrity, diversity, cultural inclusion as well as global expansion for growth and development (HSBC, 2014a). Employee empowerment is a major strategy followed by HSBC for overall development of the organisation. The bank believes that empowered employees will help in meeting expectations of customers, society, investors and regulators. The bank has also given major stress on its culture and rich tradition. The culture of HSBC is unique mixture of traditional values as well as contemporary management practices, making it a distinctive organisation (Trompenaars, 1993). Significant differences lies among different cultures in terms of behaviour, communication and body language (Adler, 1997). One of the major distinctions between high and low context cultures was proposed by Edward T. Hall, a well-known anthropologist from America. High context culture is defined as the one where communication is highly implicit and coded in physical context or other communication channels, apart from verbal. A low context culture can be defined as a type of communication where major part of the information is present in explicit code and little is transmitted through other mediums such as, gestures or body language (Chaney, 2005). The current focus of the report is to understand the organisational practice followed

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Role of Project Manager Essay Example for Free

The Role of Project Manager Essay Nowadays, with the development of project management, project success has been defined clearly. A definition of project success from Lock is that if the project finish on time, within budget and in good quality, the project is considered as a successful project (Lock, 2007). However, our understanding about the role of project manager is unclear. Different people hold various viewpoints about it. According to Lewis, people have a vague understanding of what is the role of project manager, because a majority of project managers are promoted from other jobs such as engineers or technologists and so on (Lewis, 2007). Some individuals think that the role of the project manager is to command and control. Is it enough for a project manager who is as a â€Å"single point of responsibility† (Burke, 2007) to manager a project? Definitely, the answer is no. How much authority do project managers exactly have? Firstly, let us about the job of project managers and their authority. Being a project manager is a difficult task, because the responsibility of them is heavy, but they are just given small authority. Kerzner said that in typical organizations, it is a common phenomenon that project managers request permissions to control company resources from top management. Additionally, the relationship between project manager and line manager is more like a copartner relationship rather than a rank relationship. In some way, project manager services for the line manager, because line manager hold the uses rights of company resources. Project manager, therefore, have no capital to control and command line manager. In most cases, when some issues occur or some decisions are waiting for determining, project managers negotiate with line manager rather than control and command. (Kerzner, 2001, p. 9) From the position of project manager in organizations and the relationship between project manager and line manager, we can see that even thought as â€Å"single point of responsibility†, project manager has limited authority, which means â€Å"that the role of project manager is to command and control† is inadequate. Actually, Project managers do need to command and control. As I stated above, project manager is responsible for the project, which means that a project manager needs to control the project’ process for obtaining a successful completion of the project as well as to command the stakeholders to follow the right path to realize the project’ objective. But it is important to emphasize that â€Å"command and control†is a purpose, not a process. Just like Bull said that there is essential difference between a dictator and a leader, a dictator gives command to people for doing something, but a leader inspires people to let them want to do things. The role of project manager should be a leader, not a dictator (Bull, 2010). Lewis also thought that the biggest part of project manager’s job is dealing with people. Even though project manager has quite little authority, it is not zero (Lewis 2010). Therefore, for project managers, the biggest challenge should be how to your limited authority effectively. To optimize the use of the authority, project managers need to build their leadership. Instead of using your authority to build your leadership, project managers should use their people skill which involves personality, management skill and communication skill. (Lewis, 2007, p. 27) So, â€Å"command and control†is a purpose, not a process. Which means that project manager should be a leader, not a dictator. More important thing than â€Å"command and control† As Lewis said that project managers’ biggest part of job is to deal with people, so a role of project manager should be communication coordinator (Lewis, 2007). According to Jha, 90 percent of project managers’ working hours are occupied by communication time, so it is obvious that it is crucial for project managers to have a good communication skill (Jha, 2010). More importantly, a project manager’s communication skill strongly impact on the outcome of the project. Verma emphasized that during a project life cycle, communication problems should be paid close attention, because such communication problems may create conflicts, disagreement, and misunderstandings. Many projects’ failure is due to those communication problems. Therefore, it is a total disaster for a project which has a project manager with a poor communication skill. Effective communication can create good relationship, trust and motivation which can help project managers to obtain supports from different individuals in the project. From this standpoint, because of the importance of communication in the project environment, a project manager’ role should be identified as a communication coordinator which requires a good communication skill (Verma, 1996). Other role of project manager The job of project manager is not an easy one. It is not just simply to command and control. Just as Kerzner said in his book, Planning is a primary part of project managers’ job, a good project plan enables the whole project to operate perfectly. In order to do this, a project manager should have a good management skill which involves risk management, cost management, time management and quality management. However, perfect project plans are rare, because there are many uncertainties during a project life cycle (Kerzner 2001). In this point, the role of project manager should be a plan agency. Although project managers have no right to control the company resources, they must plan them in order to accomplish the ultimate success of the project. Conclusion As â€Å"single point of responsibility† (Burke, 2007), project managers shoulder heavy burdens. Project managers need to control the process of project and command the involved people such as functional employees for meeting the projects’ objective. However, the authority of project managers is quite limited, so in most cases, project managers need to ask for permissions from top management to control the resources, and consult with line mangers to make a decision. Because of a lack of authority, having a good communication skill is crucial for project managers. One the one hand, it can create good relationship between project managers and other stakeholders. On the other hand, it is a key for project managers to become a leader. Moreover, project managers’ job is not easy. Planning is a hard and important part of the job. As a result, some people think that â€Å"the role of manager is to control and command† is inappropriate.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My First Memory :: First Person Narrative Examples

There's always one life-altering, mind-blowing, view-changing point in human existence when memory starts. The first substantial memory I hold in my memorial arsenal is the memory of a play day outside with my oldest brother. I remember this day like it were yesterday; the healthy, cared for grass was green as money; the sun was shining like the face of a newly made contest-winning billionaire. My brother and I were masters of outside play, just like a sensei is master to his students. My oldest brother, Sam, was a gorilla of a brother. He was big, bulky and much of the time, mean. Sam beat me at every game we played. He beat me at anything from toy cars to basketball. Sam was an earth-conquering tyrant. The only thing was that I was Sam's earth to conquer. However, today had a different course of events in store; I was bound to alter history this day. Shortly after returning from a Boy Scout campout; Sam was still in an adventurous, scout-like, kick-Ted's-Butt mood. He was going to teach me to play capture the flag. Capture the flag was a game that I could do well in and proceed past my brother's performance, therefore dethroning him and his dominant rule. I was crystal clear on how to play this game and now it was time to play. I looked high and low for a superexcellent, well-camouflaged hiding place for my flag. I needed a hiding place that Sam would never find, never even think of. The nook I decided on was the best ever; my flag was never to be found. Sam's as pirations were hopeless. The place I decided on was high up in a gum tree. After I hid my flag, the game was on and I expedited out for Sam's flag. Our yard was the only thing between me and his flag. Our yard, however, was jam-packed with thorny sticker bushes, piney pine bushes, and plenty of pine cones. The journey to his flag was going to be long and strenuous, but I was determined. I started out with a nerve cringing, skin-piercing secretive crawl through the sticker bushes. My passage through the bushes was like a passage through a locust-plagued tunnel. I got through that only to be greeted by a mine field of pine cones. Every step could hold my life in its hands. If I was loud, Sam was sure to hear and come tag me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How does Stevenson play with the Concept of the Double in ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Essay

The novella in question is ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ written by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1885 at his residence in Bournemouth after a tragic nightmare. I am going to discuss the subject of duality in the novella. It is set in the nocturnal streets of London in the Victorian era, a period in which doubles and opposites were frequent. Curiously, this novella looks at the life of a scientist called Henry Jekyll who formulates a potion enabling him to temporarily transform both his personality and physical appearance. This new individual is Mr. Hyde, the ‘id’ or the simian who ‘hides’ inside Dr. Jekyll. In many ways, this book reflects Stevenson himself and the Victorian period as a whole. I look at this novella from a various different origins; the father to son relationship as in Jekyll’s confession ‘Jekyll had more than a father’s interest; Hyde had more than a son’s indifference.’; the hypocrisy in the Victorian age as Carew the MP gives the impression of being a homosexual and finally, the adolescent boy inside the grown man which due to Hyde’s physical status, he looks and feels younger. Stevenson represents duality through the physical appearance of the people and places in the book. The first is the entrance to the shared residence which, is both Jekyll’s and Hyde’s habitat contemporaneously although it is not very obvious. The door by which Hyde enters is described as being ‘blistered and distained’ whilst Dr. Jekyll’s entrance has a great faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. The blistered door can be a reference of a particular sexually transmitted disease, syphilis; Stevenson is trying to code one of the problems that society had in those days. These aspects were frequent in Victorian houses seeing as the front would be lavish whilst the rear constructed of inferior yellow bricks which gives reality a smokescreen. Hyde’s entrance is described as ‘nothing but a door †¦ a blind forehead †¦ discoloured wall†¦ prolonged and sordid negligence†¦ was blistered and distained.’ These descriptive terms imply that the rear of the building was the hideous side, to be kept away from the public eye. This quotation also refers to Mr. Hyde, as it says ‘a blind forehead†¦ discoloured wall.’ At the time, people with big foreheads were considered to have criminal tendencies. The ‘discoloured wall’ can represent the fact that Hyde was a suppressed part of Jekyll and therefore has no colour of its own. There is repetition of two in describing this access seeing as there are ‘two doors†¦ two storeys.’ which again gives us a clear message of segregation between the two characters. Soho once had a reputation for prostitution and brothels and it would be where the aliens or foreigners would go in that period. This is also where Hyde lives; his dwelling has two faces to it. The exterior was sordid and squalid whilst the interior was lavish and elaborate with expensive furniture. We can easily relate this with the characters in the story where the sleazy exterior represents Hyde but inside him is an aristocratic Victorian gentleman. Stevenson refers a lot to interiors and exteriors, ‘pockets inside out†¦ lock fast drawers stood open.’ This is an exposition of the interior, a mirror image; Stevenson is trying to expose the truth of society at the time by showing what is inside. As the ‘pockets’ were ‘inside out’, or in a different sense, inverted, which could refer to an inversion of sexuality which maybe Hyde was leading at the time as he was a mirror image, thus the opposite of Jekyll. Jekyll was the complete reverse of the ‘id’ in physical aspects such as the stature and the age but also in an ironic way that Hyde kills peoples and Jekyll saves lives. The fog that surrounds Utterson as he goes to Soho can also be seen as both a London particular and a reflection of his state of mind. His confusion as he tries to find connections between Jekyll and Hyde is constantly ‘reinvaded by darkness’. This has a double meaning, it could be that Utterson is loosing focus and then regaining it or, it could be that Hyde being the darkness recurrently invades Jekyll. In this atmosphere, there is an inversion of day and night due to the fog, and there would be a ‘glow of rich, lurid brown’ due to the faecal waste and the filthiness of Soho. The three main characters of the book are Jekyll the ‘ego’, Hyde the ‘id’ and Utterson the ‘superego’. Throughout the whole passage, there are no real female characters which, represents the sexism prevalent at the time. Moreover there are auxiliary characters such as Enfield, Carew and Lanyon. Enfield is one of the first mentioned in the book; he appears to lead a double life as he finds himself in the streets of London at three in the morning which suggests that he might have been out in the brothels or maybe leading a second, homosexual life. Sir Danvers Carew also gives a similar impression of leading a two faced life as he too finds himself meandering the streets of London late at night. An explanation that we can offer for the cause of his death was that he had mistaken Hyde for a homosexual prostitute and Hyde released the simian that he was, ending up with the MP’s death. By showing this, Stevenson is trying to show the hypocrisy in society at the time as Carew was both a homosexual and a Member of Parliament that had outlawed such behaviour. Mr Hyde is probably the most complex and mysterious character in the novella. All the characters that see him, sense this unidentifiable deformity in him. This could be due to moral depravity. At the time, deformity was not accepted and those who were deformed were unwanted in the society. Stevenson captures the way people perceived Hyde’s deformities in one passage of the book ‘Snarled †¦ savage †¦ pale and dwarfish †¦ deformity †¦ husky †¦ murderous †¦ hardly human †¦ troglodytic †¦ foul soul †¦ Satan’s signature on a face.’ We have the impression of an amoral, ‘ape-like’ being who is of a different order to the rest of society. As Mr. Hyde attacks the little girl and tramples over her he again gives this barbaric image of an untamed beast or a ‘masked thing like a monkey’ on the other side of this mask is the opposite of this beast. The opposite of the beast; Jekyll is the ‘ego’ and the respectable face in society, a doctor and a wealthy middle aged man. Jekyll and Hyde are one being and this is shown in various instances, in the opening chapter, as Hyde has trampled the little girl, he remarks ‘No gentleman but wishes to avoid a scene’ meaning that he believes himself still a gentleman therefore a part of Jekyll is still present but is hidden inside the binary figure. Henry Jekyll’s response to Utterson ‘You do not understand my position †¦ I am painfully situated, my position is a very strange – very strange one †¦ cannot be mended by talking†¦ it isn’t what you fancy; it is not so bad as that’ gives the impression of him being involved in an illicit affair or blackmail. Jekyll is reassuring Utterson that it is not the usual case a lawyer was used to. Utterson gives a very vivid description of what he thinks about the two characters Jekyll and Hyde, ‘turns me quite cold to think of this creature stealing like a thief to Harry’s bedside.’ This quote clearly tells us that the other characters do not know of Jekyll’s duality. What I believe Stevenson is trying to get across is this message of ‘a monster next to his creator or his double’ the man that created the being that will lead to his destruction. Stevenson applies different layers to the structure of the book where nothing is quite what it seems. The book opens with a frame narrative but ends abruptly with Jekyll’s confession. This can be interpreted as the presence of Hyde; at the beginning it has a frame but at the end this book closes without one as he is not present. The story consists of multiple narratives which again lie within a narrative and this corresponds to Jekyll and the character within him, Hyde. One example is in Dr. Lanyon’s narrative and in Dr. Jekyll’s letter to Lanyon. In the last chapter, Stevenson begins to write in the first person and suddenly there is a shift of person as he talks about Hyde, in such a way as to set aside his second self. ‘He, I say – I cannot say, I.’ as Jekyll begins to regret his discovery and the impossibility of controlling his other self. Furthermore, in the confession, this change of person can be considered as a confused identity, Hyde slowing taking control and manipulating Jekyll. Throughout the novella there are explicit references to the double that are used in either a numerical or a metaphorical way. In the last paragraph of the novella, Stevenson emphasises the sense of the double as he finally reveals, to the shock of the Victorian reader, the duality of Jekyll. The reoccurring references to the double in his confession seem to be a means that Jekyll uses to reassure himself that Hyde is not taking over by segregating him. Stevenson is telling us this strange case starts with one person and will finish with another, meaning that by the end of the process, Hyde takes over and Jekyll will lie dormant and suppressed as once his double did. The obsession that Dr. Jekyll has with the double could also be a reference to the obsession he feels with the experiment; as Lanyon describes the entry book ‘ ‘double’ occurring perhaps six times in a total of several hundred entries. This feeling of the double also appears in various puns and metaphors. ‘On the other side’ is used as ‘on the other hand’ but has been carefully chosen since not only is Jekyll another surface to his physical self but also writes with his left hand which could be referring to sinister (deriving from left in Latin) evil. A mixed metaphor is used in the confession ‘the animal within me licking the chops of memory’ this metaphor has a double duality to it. Hyde is the animal within Jekyll and as we know of Hyde’s deformity, the ‘chops’ could be of his face, whilst the use of ‘memory’ gives us the feeling of it all possibly being a nightmare. As Stevenson wrote this book, he was suffering from tuberculosis and ‘the animal within’ could be the disease wearing him away. The language used describing Dr. Jekyll’s cabinet has a double symbolism to it. The cabinet is clearly divided into two parts, the ‘cosy fireside’ with ‘the things laid out for tea’ and the ‘kettle singing’ gives us this feeling of the place being homely and comforting whilst on the other hand, there are ‘the glass cases full of chemicals’ giving a different atmosphere to the rest of the room. ‘Several books on the shelf†¦ open†¦ annotated†¦ startling blasphemies.’ The book that is laid next to the tea things, presumably a holy book, had been written on with wickedness by Hyde. We can relate this to the fact that it was open meaning that Hyde had been unleashed. The last object yet, probably the most significant in the room, is the cheval-glass. Stevenson shows his bilingual skills and produces a bilingual pun. In French, a cheval glass is also called a phsycà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ which is another way of saying psyche. As Utterson and Poole peer into this glass and see nothing, it is another way of saying that they peer into the psyche of Jekyll and Hyde and see nothing as ‘they’ are both dead. This pun tells us a lot of what Stevenson thought of society at the time. Stevenson uses the cheval-glass to say that the Victorian era was not yet ready for psychoanalysis. There are various ways in which Stevenson shows the socio-historical characteristics of the novella and of the time. The typical Victorian gentleman was well known for his duality. This could have been for sexual suppression since there are many sexually-related citations with the lack of female characters and the compromising situations the reader often finds them in. At the time, the exciting possibilities and dangers of science posed many questions to the Victorians. This was epitomised by the fierce debate caused by the publication of ‘The Origin of Species’. This novella can be related to this question as it shows a vast contrast between the two figures, Hyde being the simian and Jekyll the religious man who believes in God. Social problems that were faced at the times were many and severe. Syphilis was a very widespread sexually transmitted disease which was due to the many brothels present in London. Drug addiction was another of the society’s worries; this book tightly relates to this problem as Jekyll depends on the chemicals that he requires to keep Hyde under control. Drugs also had a hallucinogenic effect on people and what Stevenson may be saying is that the whole of the double life that Jekyll was leading was a hallucination and that the drugs transform oneself into another being; that is why he finally dies as Hyde due to toxic-dependency. Victorian society was also obsessed by class. The industrial revolution emphasised the gap between the upper classes and the working class. Stevenson played on the prejudices of his re aders in making Hyde a proletarian figure in contrast to the upright and apparently worthy Jekyll. In conclusion, this novella has many subtexts and concealed messages which the 1886 reader would have readily identify with. This was because they would be exposed to these things every day. We now have a different view of society and science but it could be questioned whether we are any less hypocritical. The theme of the double still continues to inspire play writers and novelists now and for a long foreseeable future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


The allure of Concerns' story-telling Lies In her ability to constantly introduce readers Into conflicting states of emotion. Clearly, while the subject's optimism Is consistent throughout the first paragraph, critical readers can detect subtle shifts In feelings which range from sheer exhilaration (as she describes her Barbie's Item with great fondness: ‘evening elegance In black glitter strapless gown', puffy skirt at the bottom like a mermaid tail', etc. To slight disappointment (from so much dressing and undressing, the black glitter wears off where her ditties stick noun and eventual solace (shown by her contentment with the self-made clothes). The light tone in â€Å"Barbie-Q† is of premium archetype, as the young girl's voice radiates enthusiasm and urgency. The pace in the first paragraph constantly picks up while the readers' emotion is dragged down. The initial tension heightens as readers see the protagonist's wish-list gets longer and longer, until she resort s to her own means n order to curb the fervor.The little narrator In â€Å"Bearable-Q† captures us In many ways. The lists she employed are rich In details as If everything Is read off from the labels. Her Insatiable desire to fill up her doll collection is not hidden. Is she an observant storyteller, or a fashions? Readers can split in opinions, but the young girl's obsession is inarguably not a matter of dispute. And while one may initially question, condemn and hold her fascination in negative light, the protagonist's motivated actions slowly make sense to the audience as the story unfolds.Her deprived world explains the playing habit and the tinge of Jealousy she tries to mask. Too child who has yet to enter school, a toy can be anything tangible. Unfortunately, such carefree consciousness is quickly reshaped when he Is exposed to the society and quickly sees himself being subjected to Its taste and sense of â€Å"perfection†. Yes, the story talks about superficial values. However, It Is the underlying aspiration of the protagonist to fit In and being normal, even temporarily, that makes this piece striking. The metaphorical Barbie doll is just a medium to criticize this unfair

Thursday, November 7, 2019

3 Discredited Biological Explanations for Deviancy

3 Discredited Biological Explanations for Deviancy A number of theories have tried to explain why people take part in deviant behavior, which is defined as any behavior that goes against the dominant norms of society. Biological explanations, psychological reasons, and sociological factors have all been linked to such behavior, but three of the major biological explanations for deviancy have been discredited. They posit that criminals are born rather than made, meaning that ones genetic makeup is the top reason a person engages in deviant acts. Biological Theories   Biological theories of deviance see crime and deviant behavior as a form of illness caused by distinct pathological factors. They assume that some people are born criminals or that offenders are biologically different from the general public. The logic here is that these individuals have a mental and physical defect of some sort that makes it impossible for them to learn and follow rules. This defect, in turn, leads to criminal behavior.​ Born Criminals Nineteenth-century Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso rejected the idea that crime is a characteristic of human nature. Instead, he believed that criminality is inherited, and he even developed a theory of deviance that argued a person’s bodily constitution indicates whether one is a born criminal. These born criminals are a throwback to an earlier stage of human evolution with the physical makeup, mental capabilities, and instincts of primitive man. In developing his theory, Lombroso observed the physical characteristics of Italian prisoners and compared them to those of Italian soldiers. He concluded that the criminals were physically different. The physical characteristics he used to identify prisoners included an asymmetry of the face or head, large monkey-like ears, large lips, a twisted nose, excessive cheekbones, long arms, and excessive wrinkles on the skin. Lombroso declared that males with five or more of these characteristics could be marked as born criminals. Females, on the other hand, only needed as few as three of these characteristics to be born criminals. Lombroso also believed that tattoos are the markings of born criminals because they stand as evidence of both immortality and insensitivity to physical pain. Body Types William Sheldon was an American psychologist practicing in the early to mid-1900s. He  spent his life observing the varieties of human bodies and came up with three types: ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. Ectomorphs are thin and fragile. Their bodies are  described as flat-chested, lean, lightly muscled, and small shouldered. Endomorphs are considered soft and fat. They are described as having underdeveloped muscles and a round physique. They often have difficulty losing weight. Mesomorphs are muscular and athletic. Their bodies are described as hourglass-shaped when theyre female, or rectangular-shaped in males. Theyre muscular with thick skin and have excellent posture. According to Sheldon, mesomorphs are the most prone to commit crime or other deviant behaviors. Y Chromosomes This theory holds that criminals have an extra Y chromosome that gives them an XYY chromosomal makeup rather than an XY makeup. This creates a strong compulsion in them to commit crimes. This person is sometimes called a super male. Some studies have found that the proportion of XYY males in the prison population is slightly higher than the general male population, but other studies don’t provide evidence that supports this theory. Sources Gibson, Mary. Born to Crime: Cesare Lombroso and the Origins of Biological Criminology (Italian and Italian American Studies). Praeger, 2002. Rose, Martha, and Wayne Mayhall. Sociology: The Basic Principles of Sociology for Introductory Courses. BarCharts, Inc., 2000.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Año fiscal en EE.UU. y efectos migratorios

Aà ±o fiscal en EE.UU. y efectos migratorios En Estados Unidos, el aà ±o fiscal del gobierno federal son los 12 meses comprendidos entre el 1 de octubre de un aà ±o y el 30 de septiembre del siguiente. Se le denomina FY por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Las fechas de inicio y final del aà ±o fiscal federal se fijaron en 1976 con el objeto de que el gobierno tuviese tiempo suficiente para presentar su presupuesto para el aà ±o siguiente y obtener su aprobacià ³n. Puntos Clave: Aà ±o fiscal Aà ±o fiscal federal : 1 de octubre al 30 de septiembre del aà ±o siguiente.Los estados establecen las fechas de sus aà ±os fiscalesLas empresas pueden decidir cules son los 12 meses de su aà ±o fiscal.El aà ±o fiscal federal afecta a visas, loterà ­as y green card. Aà ±o fiscal de los estados en EE.UU. Los 50 estados y los territorios de Estados Unidos pueden fijar las fechas de sus propios aà ±os fiscales para los asuntos dentro de sus competencias. En la actualidad, solo en el aà ±o fiscal Alabama y Michigan coincide con el federal de 1 de octubre a 31 de septiembre del aà ±o siguiente. Por otro lado, 46 estados inician su aà ±o fiscal el 1 de julio y lo finalizan el 30 de junio del aà ±o siguiente al igual que el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Finalmente, en Nueva York el aà ±o fiscal corre del 1 de abril al 31 de marzo y en Texas del 1 de septiembre al 1 de agosto. Aà ±o fiscal (fiscal year) y aà ±o impositivo (tax year) Para los negocios, el Servicio de Ingresos Internos (IRS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) distingue entre aà ±o fiscal y aà ±o impositivo. El aà ±o fiscal para las empresas son 12 meses consecutivos cuyo dà ­a final coincide con el fin de un trimestre, es decir, 31 de marzo, 30 de junio, 30 de septiembre o 31 de diciembre. En la mayorà ­a de los casos es la propia empresa la que decide cundo empieza y finaliza su aà ±o fiscal y lo utiliza en su propia contabilidad. El aà ±o impositivo o de pago de impuestos (tax year) de una empresa puede coincidir con su aà ±o fiscal o con el aà ±o de calendario, es decir, del 1 al 31 de diciembre. Por otro lado, las fechas para presentar las planillas de impuestos (IRS filing) son las que fija el gobierno para todas las empresas, segà ºn su tipologà ­a. Aà ±o fiscal y estadà ­sticas migratorias Inmigracià ³n es una competencia del gobierno federal de Estados Unidos, por esta razà ³n todas las estadà ­sticas se computan teniendo en cuenta su aà ±o fiscal. Por ejemplo, en el FY18 se aprobaron 236.526 visas de inmigrante en la categorà ­a de familiares inmediatos. Esto quiere decir que entre el 1 de octubre de 2017 y el 30 de septiembre de 2018 la cantidad citada de cà ³nyuges, padres, madres e hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de ciudadanos estadounidenses obtuvieron la tarjeta de residente permanente por peticià ³n del ciudadano. El aà ±o fiscal se puede dividir en trimestres (Q, por su sigla en inglà ©s). El primer trimestre (Q1) comprende desde el 1 de octubre al 31 de diciembre y asà ­ sucesivamente hasta llegar al cuarto (Q4) de 1 de julio a 30 de septiembre. Por ejemplo en Q1FY18 las autoridades migratorias aprobaron 140.467 ajustes de estatus. Eso quiere decir que de 1 de octubre a 31 de diciembre de 2017 ese nà ºmero de extranjeros obtuvieron la tarjeta de residencia permanente por ese trmite. Aà ±o fiscal: là ­mites y retrasos en categorà ­as de visas El aà ±o fiscal tiene un gran impacto en los casos en los que se concede un nà ºmero fijo de una determinada categorà ­a de visas por aà ±o fiscal. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como annual cap. Este problema del annual cap afecta tanto a algunas visas no inmigrantes como a algunos tipos de visas inmigrantes, por ejemplo: Visa H-1B para profesionales y modelos. Si bien hay importantes excepcionesVisas U para và ­ctimas de la violenciaVisado T para và ­ctimas de trfico humanoH-2A y H-2B para trabajos en agricultura y no cualificadosPeticiones de green card de ciudadanos para hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os, hijos casados y hermanos y de residentes permanentes para sus cà ³nyuges e hijos solterosVisa EB-5 para inversionistasConcesià ³n de estatus de asilado o refugiado polà ­ticoLoterà ­a de visas de diversidad En los casos en los que el nà ºmero de solicitudes en una determinada categorà ­a de visa es superior al là ­mite fijado por aà ±o fiscal se pueden producir dos situaciones diferentes. En primer lugar, se producen retrasos, que pueden llegar a ser enormes por acumularse aà ±o tras aà ±o ms peticiones que visas disponibles, como es el caso de la visa U que tiene asignado un mximo de 10.000 visas por aà ±o fiscal y que lleva en estos momentos un retraso superior a tres aà ±os y medio para que USCIS decida sobre los primeros pasos de si aprueba el permiso de trabajo. Otro ejemplo de retrasos por esta causa se da en las peticiones familiares en las categorà ­as con là ­mites anuales. Las demoras pueden verificarse mes a mes en el boletà ­n de visas. En segundo lugar, se celebra una loterà ­a entre las solicitudes y se procesa la visa para quien gana. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de la visa H-1B para profesionales. En general funciona de la siguiente manera: Existe un là ­mite anual por aà ±o fiscal de 20.000 visas para los profesionales que estudiaron la maestrà ­a en EE.UU., otra de 65.000 visas para profesionales en general y, finalmente un cupo de 6.500 visas para à ºnicamente ciudadanos de Chile y Singapur. El 1 de abril se abre el plazo de presentacià ³n de solicitudes. Los seis aà ±os anteriores, a los cinco dà ­as ya habà ­a ms peticiones que visas disponibles y se cerrà ³ el plazo. A los pocos dà ­as se celebrà ³ la loterà ­a y quienes no la ganaron deben presentar de nuevo la solicitud, si asà ­ lo desean, al aà ±o siguiente. Cabe destacar que no todas las H-1B estn sujetas a là ­mites. Por ejemplo, cuando el patrocinador es un instituto investigador o educativo puede pedir las que necesite a lo largo del aà ±o. Adems, la administracià ³n del presidente Donald Trump est elaborando nuevas directrices y es posible que se anuncie la obligatoriedad de pre-registrarse. Aà ±o fiscal y fechas para presentarse a H1-B y loterà ­a de visas Con respecto a la visa H1-B la normativa vigente dice que las solicitudes pueden presentarse seis meses antes del inicio del aà ±o fiscal para el que se aplica. Excepto en los casos ya nombrados de excepciones en los que los solicitantes no estn sujetos al là ­mite anual, est ocurriendo que hay ms solicitantes de visa que nà ºmero de visas y asà ­ durante meses no se puede emitir ninguna nueva, hay que esperar al nuevo cupo con el nuevo aà ±o fiscal. Esto quiere decir que si un extranjero que aspira a una visa H-1B que no est exenta del là ­mite anual debe esperar al 1 de octubre, es decir, al inicio del aà ±o fiscal. Sin embargo, para obtenerla la empresa patrocinadora debe presentar los papeles 6 meses antes. Por ejemplo, para una visa del FY20 debe presentarse la solicitud el 1 de abril de 2019. Con respecto a la loterà ­a de visas para obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, el plazo para registrarse gratuitamente se inicia al comienzo del aà ±o fiscal, generalmente en torno al 3 o 4 de octubre, y finaliza un mes despuà ©s. Por ejemplo, para participar en la loterà ­a de visas (DV por sus siglas en inglà ©s) del aà ±o fiscal 2021 (DV21), el solicitante debe registrarse en la pgina oficial en octubre de 2019 hasta principios de noviembre de ese mismo aà ±o. Todo el proceso se demora para los ganadores hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2020 y ya podrà ­an disfrutar de su green card a partir del 1 de octubre de 2020, esto es, el aà ±o fiscal 2021. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Public affair class source report 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public affair class source report 5 - Essay Example The information informs the agency on the economic significance of international students to U.S, U.K, and China. Gil, Natalie. â€Å"International students: a guide to social success.† The Guardian, 19 September 2014. Web. 30 November 2014. Summary: International students face huge challenges in integrating themselves into the social scene of a foreign nation. The international office and international student committee encourages international students to join culture and language societies that promote social interactions between cultural backgrounds. Relevance: The information is relevant to the department of international student U.S since it manifests how international offices and international student committees can help international students from integrating themselves into the U.S social scene. Konrad, Matt. â€Å"How U.S. Students Can Find College Scholarships to Study in Europe.† U.S. News & World Report LP, 30 October 2014. Web. 30 November 2014. Summary: The article confirms that U.S students who seek higher education in different countries across Europe suffer from financial aid complications than international students seeking higher education in U.S. U.K is the best destination for U.S students seeking higher education in Europe since it provides educational scholarships to students from U.S. Relevance: The information is relevant to the department of international student U.S since it manifests the financial challenges faced by U.S students and presents educational scholarships offered to U.S students by U.K. Lu, Yao. â€Å"3 Rules for International Students Using U.S. Social Media.† U.S. News & World Report LP, 9 Jan. 2014. Web. 30 November 2014.